ABN/TFN integration
Shane Topping, current as of: 22 August 2016.
As part of our ongoing system enhancements to streamline the process of establishing entities, we are introducing an ABR integration that minimises the time and effort to complete and submit applications.
The Acis client portal is now integrated with abr.gov.au, enabling auto population of data to speed up your applications for Australian Business Numbers and Tax File Numbers. This reduces entry time and the risk of manual errors being made.
The process is simple to initiate through the Acis portal. Simply navigate to your COMPLETED orders and select the integration icon for the relevant company, trust or SMSF. Alternatively, the application link is now included in the confirmation emails you receive from us on completion of every order.
We’re continuing our enhancement programme to improve the Acis experience for you and will have more to share with you soon. In the meantime, please don’t hesitate to contact us with any feedback, or if you have any concerns or queries.