BGL CAS 360 Integration
Shane Topping, current as of: 8 August 2018.
If your firm is operating BGL CAS 360, our latest integration is a must. It’s a simple-to-use system that reduces administrative and professional hours, and fits seamlessly into your existing processes.
Our CAS 360 integration saves time and cost.
- CAS 360 data is loaded directly into your Acis orders
- Acis can create company structures in CAS 360 for you
- Submit bulk constitution upgrades in seconds
Shane Topping, Technology Director at Acis, hosted a live webinar where he will demonstrated the CAS 360 integration and answer any questions. Click here to see a recording from the webinar.
This extends the strong relationship between Acis and BGL, with our Simple Fund 360 integration driving successful outcomes for the past 12 months. Check out our dedicated landing page for further information.
Alternatively, you can contact us at any time with queries.